Hope and Resistance: Transforming the Course of History

This year our conference is focused on hope, resistance and transformation. Jim Wallis states, “Hope is believing in spite of the evidence, then watching the evidence change.” Thankfully, life has often demonstrated this truth.

Mary Wynne Ashford a medical doctor and peace advocate, suggests a powerful yet simple tool of resistance: “At the very least, the individual can challenge the silence of assumed consensus. By breaking the silence, by refusing to collude with the evil and insanity, one resists the darkness.”

It is the ordinary man and woman who transforms history and builds a better society. Yet to build this society, we must work to know what is right and then act accordingly. While the powerful attempt to narrate our lives and to convince us that the course of history is determined by them, we emphatically refute this idea and continue our call for peace and justice tempered with compassion and understanding. Please join us for this year’s conference!

Conference Year