Conference Schedule and Structure

Our conference is structured around the theme of truthelling. Each presenter will be asked to consider the following questions in light of their work and personal experience.  

Question 1: With reference to your work, what are the essential truths we should know towards understanding this moment in history?  

Question 2: How can we as individuals and as as a peace movement build understanding and  trust with main stream America and within our ranks, moving towards a society rooted in peace, justice, sustainability and community.  

Question 3: How can the peace movement work more effectively to achieve our goal?  Our schedule also incoroporates ample time for Q&A allowing for important  community particiption.

Friday, August 14, 2015

10:00 AM Nurturing The Sacred  with Rev. Felicia Parazaider

See full retreat description in the Kateri Retreat Section below. 

5:00 PM Community Pot Luck Dinner

Please bring a dish and enjoy the food and warmth of our friendly community.

7:00 PM Friday Evening Opening

The Seventeenth Annual Kateri Peace Conference

in the Spirit of The Rotinonshionni

1. A call to begin with drumming, song and a prayer for clarity and deep listening

6:00 PM  - Drum Circle begins led by Donna and Gary Lessard
7:00 PM - "Listen to the Voices" by Holly Near sung by Terri Roben

Call for listening and clarity: Rev. Felicia Parazaider

Please stand. You may make the following gestures mentally or physically.

We offer salutations and respect to all present at this meeting and to all who will be affected by it.

We brush off the chairs on which we sit -- to make a clear space for a meeting of minds.

We brush off from our clothing any debris picked up on the way -- to clear our minds of extraneous matters.

We wipe the blood from our hands -- to acknowledge and apologize for any hurt we have inflicted.

We wipe the tears from our eyes -- to acknowledge and forgive any hurt we have received.

We take the lump out of our throats -- to let go of any sadness or disappointment.

We take the tightness out of our chests -- to let go of any fear or resentment.

We acknowledge and pray for guidance to the Great Creator Spirit of All Life.

Ho. So be it.
(This version is adapted by Ralph Metzner)


Welcome to this opening session of the 17th annual Kateri Peace Conference.

We are so happy to welcome you as we gather to explore this year's theme of Truth Telling. Through the words and examples of our inspiring speakers : Sister Megan Rice, Medea Benjamin, Matthew Hoh, Nick Mottern, Michael Walli and Robert Shetterly and the leader of today's inspiring retreat the Rev. Felicia Parazader,  individuals who  put all on the line for the sake of speaking essential  truths  for our times, we will together spend some time this evening and all day tomorrow looking at the nature and implications of choosing "radical honesty in an age of deception"

But first, this evening, we would like to align ourselves deeply with the truth of this place:

The site of the annual Kateri Peace Conference lies in close proximity to the ancient village of Caughnawaga where  Mohawk families and their community leaders sought to live their lives in harmony and peace with one another and with the natural world surrounding, even as they struggled to understand , confront, integrate into a meaningful framework the geopolitical forces of imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, materialism and ethnocentric racism which were surrounding them with the arrival of Europeans warring for resources and domination.

One can imagine, that in the spirit of the Longhouse, the Iroquois Confederacy, which had come to bind  the people's of many tribes into a network grounded in the great Peacemaker's vision of negotiated understanding, elimination of war as solution to conflict, and commitment to reconciliation and peace, the very woods surrounding the site of the Kateri Conference resounded with the speeches of many bringing words of considered  council as the Mohawk people who lived here tried to make sense of, and build a future in the face of, such daunting forces.

As we meet once again to explore the realities which confront us in our own 21st century time, we do so mindful of the truth of this place and in the same spirit of questing for understanding and guidelines for action, desiring, as the first people's did, to live in peace and harmony with one another and with nature and with assurance of a viable futurity.

We gather to hear the wisdom of our guest speakers who all come to us with a deep commitment to peace and to share insights born of our mutual deep desire for finding a way forward.

Thus, this official opening event of Kateri 17 is organized in recognition and in harmony with the ancient spirit and energies of this place.

So we will begin, as the  first people's of this place, the  Rotinonshionni would have begun  all their meetings in harmony with the Earth which surrounds, in harmony with one another and in a spirit of mutual gratitude.


We have invited noted Mohawk story- teller Kay Olan, known in her Wolf Clan family as Ionataiewas  to join us this evening to ground our time together by sharing the heart of the Rotinonshionni Thanksgiving Address which has marked for centuries the beginning and end of every important gathering and event.

KAY OLAN, a retired teacher, is a masterful storyteller who has been using story to connect people to one another, to their past, present and future for over thirty years.

Musical response: " The Earth is Our Mother" led by Terri Roben

4. CALLING ON TRUTH TELLERS who have gone before to inspire and embolden.

NOW, echoing the traditions of the Rotinonshionni, we would like to call to mind as we begin this conference some  of the many Truth Tellers who have gone before or who surround us at this planetary moment as teachers and leaders:  may their courage and example which transcend time and space, strengthen our resolve to listen well and to act on what we hear as we are gathered together.

Individual teachers and truth tellers will be called out

As each person is recalled to mind, we will all announce:" Presente!"

Music in response: " Power  in the Blood" by Buffy Ste.Marie

5. Radical Honesty in Yet Another Age of Deception: the 17 th Annual Kateri Peace Conference Speakers

"I Have Come to Tell You": Medea Benjamin, Matthew Hoh, Rev. Felicia Parazaider, Robert Shetterly, Nick Mottern, Sr. Megan Rice,  Michael Walli

Music: "Living Like a Prayer" sung by Terri Roben

6. Coming Together and Celebrating in the Spirit of the Place:  Sacred Unity and  Community


Introduction and Instruction:  KAY OLAN

Dance: All


In harmony with the Rotinonshionni Protocol we will move to a conclusion of this evening with a return to Thanksgiving - Kay Olan

8. Music: " We Are Circling" by Buffy Ste. Marie - led by Terri Roben

Saturday, August 15, 2015

8:30 AM Registration and Coffee

9:00 AM Welcome and Introductions by John Amidon & Maureen Aumand

9:25 AM Truth Talks Session One 

With reference to your work, what are the essential truths we should know towards understanding this moment in history? Each panelist will have 15 minutes to address this question followed by 20 minutes of community Q&A.

Medea Benjamin - Matthew Hoh - Nick Mottern - Robert Shetterly
Moderated by Rev. Felicia Parazaider

10:30 AM Break (15 minutes)

10:45 AM Imprisoned for Truth Telling: There is No Security in Nuclear Weapons  

An Interview with Sr. Megan Rice and Michael Walli.
Community Q & A 15 minutes

11:45 AM Lunch Break

1:00 PM Truth Talks Session Two

How can we as individuals and as as a peace movement build understanding and  trust with main stream America and within our ranks, moving towards a society rooted in peace, justice,sustainability and community. Each speaker will be given 10 minutes to answer this question.

Community Q & A (15 minutes)

Medea Benjamin - Matthew Hoh - Nick Mottern - Robert Shetterly

2:30 PM Truth Talks Final Session

What important insights have you gained today? How can the peace movement work   more effectively to achieve our goal?  (Next steps?)  Each speaker will be given 10 minutes to answer this question.

Community Q&A (15 minutes)

 Medea Benjamin - Matthew Hoh - Sister Megan Rice - Robert Shetterly

3:15 PM Closing Remarks and Thank Yous with John Amidon and Maureen Aumand (15 minutes)