2024 Conference Presenter Bios

Vera Anderson | veraforlove

Vera Anderson | veraforlove is a musician, spoken word artist, and mental health advocate in NYC and Las Vegas. She is recently back from opening for Neil Young on the Love Earth tour with Reverend and the Stop Shopping Choir. She uses art for connectivity, empowerment, and positive change. She is an activist within the Peace Movement, works with Nevada Desert Experience and sits on the board of Pace e Bene to advocate nonviolence and nuclear abolition. Vera will perform original music and spoken word poetry centered around the themes of peace and justice

Bar Crawl Radio - Alan Winson and Rebecca McKean

Bar Crawl Radio: Ever have a really interesting conversation at a bar -- sharing ideas over glasses of beer  -- and wish you could've bottled it? That's Bar Crawl Radio.

Rebecca McKean and Alan Winson invite amazing people to bars all over the world -- make a toast -- and then talk about whatever inspires them -- makes their lives worth living. We talk to all sorts of people doing important work for their community -- composers -- actors -- musicians -- medical ethicists and practitioners -- playwrights & poets -- journalists and authors -- politicians -- community organizers & NGOs -- scientists -- brewers & mead makers -- bankers -- and peace-makers. CONTACT: barcrawlradio@gmail.com

Rebecca McKean, formerly a filmmaker, has for many years been a Montessori School teacher in Manhattan.  Alan Winson, formerly an actor, teaches film at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.  They have produced and co-hosted BCR podcast since 2017 and look forward to moderating this year's Kateri Peace Conference Friday evening panel.

Martha Hennessy

Martha Hennessy, seventh grandchild of Dorothy Day divides her time between the family farm in Vermont and practicing the works of mercy at Maryhouse Catholic Worker in New York City. 

She is 69, a retired occupational therapist, and grandmother of nine. She has been imprisoned protesting war and nuclear power/weapons, the use of drones, and the torture of prisoners in Guantanamo and US prisons.

She has traveled to Russia, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Korea, and Palestine to understand the impact of United States foreign military policy and the effects on countries around the world.

Martha travels and speaks on the topics of her Catholic faith, family life, work in community, Catholic Social Teaching, war and peace, nuclear abolition, and peacemaking efforts in the tradition of the Catholic Worker movement.  

Brian Terrell

Brian Terrell has been a peace activist for almost 50 years, since 1975 when he joined the Catholic Worker movement in New York City at the age of 19. There he had the privilege to pray and work with Dorothy Day in the last years of her life and was an associate editor of The Catholic Worker newspaper. Since 1986, he and his wife Betsy have lived at Strangers and Guests Catholic Worker Farm in Maloy, Iowa, where they raised two children and support themselves by small scale agriculture and hand crafts. Over the years, Brian has participated in anti-nuclear, anti-war and human rights protests around the United States, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, the United Kingdom and Europe.

In 2009, he took part in the first protest of drone assassinations at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada and from 2010 to 2018, he made annual visits to Afghanistan. Each year since 2019, he has traveled to Europe to take part in the campaign to end nuclear weapons “sharing” arrangements between the U.S. and NATO nations. He has spent more than 2 years in jails and prisons and has been expelled from four counties as a result of these protests. Brian is currently a coordinator for the Nevada Desert Experience. His writing has been published in The Catholic Worker, U.S. Catholic, The National Catholic Reporter. Counterpunch and other publications.

Brad Wolf

Brad Wolf is a former lawyer, prosecutor and Community College Dean.  He is the executive director of Peace Action Network of Lancaster, Pennsylvania and co-cordinated the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. Brad is currently the coordinator of the U.S. Organizing Committee of the International People's Tribunal on the 1945 Atomic Bombings. His recent book on the writings of Philip Berrigan entitled "A Ministry of Risk" was published by Fordham University Press in April of 2024. He writes for numerous publications. 

Colonel (ret.) Ann Wright


Colonel (ret.) Ann Wright's journey from a U.S. Army Colonel to a U.S. State Department diplomat and then to a peace activist and member of Veterans For Peace is quite extraordinary. Reading her letter of resignation from U.S. State Department to Secretary of State Collin Powell will give remarkable insight into her unexpected career trajectory.

Her letter of resignation may be found at: https://www.govexec.com/defense/2003/03/mary-a-wrights-resignation-letter/13704/ 
Her Wikipedia page is at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Wright

Ann has worked on numerous concerns including peace on the Korean Peninsula and Palestinian Rights. She is been a member and  organizer of the the Freedom Flotilla  (https://www.nonviolenceinternational.net/global_movement_to_break_siege_of_gaza ) and has travelled to Palestine  on numerous occasions. 

The services Ann is now rendering to our country as a peace activist are her most important work and deeply appreciated. Her down to earth approach about what is important, the core values of American democracy and the U.S. Constitution along with what is important about life offer exceptional insight and wisdom into our quest for peace.

Conference Year