2024 Conference Schedule

Friday, September 13, 2024

5:30 PM: Pot Luck
7:00 PM: Opening: Vera Anderson  - What’s Love Got to Do With It.
7:15 PM: Bar Crawl Radio Podcast - What’s Love Got to Do With It.

Saturday, September 14,2023


Climate Collapse, the Nuclear Threat, the Widespread  Current Wars
9:15 AM: Brian Terrell
9:35 AM: Brad Wolf
10:05 AM: Martha Hennessy
10:25 AM: Vera Anderson (music)
11:00 AM: Ann  Wright

11:30 AM: Break Out Session One  - Understanding the Seemingly Intractable

Brad Wolf
Martha Hennessy
Ann Wright
Brian Terrell
Bar Crawl Radio
(small groups led by our presenters, topic will by the designated by the group leader)

Noon: Lunch
1:00 PM: Break Out Session Two - Building Realistic Confrontation

Vera Anderson
Brad Wolf
Martha Hennessy
Ann Wright
Brian Terrell

2:15 PM: Plenary Session - Mapping the World Beyond War
Summary and sharing of break out sessions
Each panelist will report and reflect on the ideas presented n their small group discussions.
2:45 PM: Closing Remarks and Thank you!

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