The Fierce Urgency Of Now! Friday August 17 & Saturday August 18, 2018

 “We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history there is such a thing as being too late.” Martin Luther King Jr.

Every August for the past twenty summers, the National Kateri Shrine in Fonda, NY has played host to the Kateri Peace Conference.  Year after year, this mid summer "meeting at the edge of the woods" has offered the Capital District an opportunity to explore and to find a way forward through the tangled and ever entwining paths of racism, militarism and excessive materialism  to the noble and sustainable ground of peace and justice.

August after August, folks who care deeply about a just society have gathered to listen, to share and to learn in a day of personal reflection and commitment to fulfilling the dream of truth, justice and equality.  Every meeting of this twenty year quest has been punctuated by a deep concern for the world, tempered by insight and inspiration for envisioning,walking and working towards what it could be.  There has always been  joy and celebration in finding companionship and community, a source of sustenance for the challenges on the road ahead.

Kateri 2018 promises to provide another milestone on this continuing journey. Anchored in the realities of the geopolitical moment, our conference will invite both presenters and participants to vision both greater clarity and purpose regarding " the now" in the " tides of the affairs of men”. 

This year’s speakers are renowned  for  their courage in embracing the journey, seeking truth, and  acting with compassion and an unbridled fierceness to stop the killing of the US war machine.  We will  continue this work seeking peace with justice,  ending war, exploring nonviolent love in action  and ways toward economic equality. 

One of the constants of the Kateri Peace Conference is our willingness to embrace  change and experiment with programming. Our hope has always been to reach out and engage the community as  broadly and deeply as possible while providing a rich opportunity for feeding joy and a spirit of celebration.

This year’s conference offers several special events.  Friday’s specials events, include  our second Rocking the Boat For Peace riverboat cruise, this time on the Hudson with Dutch Apple Cruises. We will be awarding  prizes for our, Freedom Writers -  Letters  For Peace  writing contest.  Friday’s events will be held in the Albany.   Saturday’s conference with some  of the most mazing peace makers you will ver hope to meet will be at the National Kateri Shrine in Fonda, NY. 

“Procrastination is still the thief of time. Life often leaves us standing bare, naked and dejected with a lost opportunity.”

Do not miss this opportunity to work for  peace on August 17th and 18th, the 20 anniversary of the Kateri Tekakwitha Peace Conference.

For complete information go to or call John at 518.312.6442