The Light To See, the Strength to Act, the Courage to Love

A Community Reflection led by Maureen Aumand  

Friday,  August 17, 2018 from 1:00 - 4:00 PM 

First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany,

405 Washington Ave, Albany, NY

The framework for the afternoon will be derived from the work of the deep ecologist Joanna Macy whose vision for The Great Turning has led her to create the " Work That Reconnects”. This “Work” is used worldwide  by activists to foster resilience, active hope, a deep love and concern for  people and planet and to cultivate life affirming change.

"The Work That Reconnects" has been described as "an innovative process intended to help transform a  feeling of despair and the sense of being overwhelmed into inspiration and a renewed recognition of your ability to make a difference."

In our brief time together, we will engage in a series of interactive exercises structured to move through what Macy calls a "spiral": from a platform of gratitude, through the experience and acknowledgment of deep grief for the world; to ways of seeing which integrates time, connections across time and community into a strengthening network and vibrant community  with  a renewed vision for action by those who have been longing and working for peace. Ann Wright, Ray McGovern, Kathy Kelly, Greta Zarro, William Rivers Pitt and  Albany’s very own Rosemary Armao, our Saturday conference presenters will be joining us in our  interactive retreat.  Friday and Saturday presentations are  deeply interconnected.   Complete conference information and speaker bios may be found at  .  Or please call John at 518.312.6442 for needed information.

A potluck will be held at FUSSA from 4:30- 6:15

Then we are off to Rocking the Boat For Peace II

Boarding Time for the Dutch Apple Cruise is at 6:30 PM. don’t be late. Reservations are necessary!